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MIXLAND 3348 Giveway di Nastro
Puremix is teaming up with MIXLAND to bring you an exclusive chance to win 3348 Tape, the ultimate plugin for analog tape emulation, valued at $49.99! Whether you're looking to add warmth, cohesion, or character to your mixes, 3348 Tape has got you covered with its intuitive controls and vintage sound design features.
What's Included:
Authentic tape saturation with rich harmonics and dynamic warmth.
Adjustable tape speed, bias, and saturation levels for fine-tuned control.
Wow, flutter, and tape compression options to add unique tape effects.
A sleek, user-friendly interface designed for creativity and precision.
Come vincere:
Partecipa per vincere e condividi per ottenere iscrizioni bonus
Inserisci il tuo nome e indirizzo email.
Per guadagnare iscrizioni bonus, condividi questo giveaway con i tuoi amici e completa le azioni sui social media.
I vincitori saranno selezionati e annunciati qui su lunedì 10 marzo 2025.
Buona fortuna!