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Puremix is teaming up with Musik Hack to bring you an exclusive chance to win FUEL, the ultimate saturation and loudness shaping plugin, valued at $79! Whether you're looking to add warmth, punch, or precision to your mixes, FUEL has got you covered with its intuitive controls and pro-level sound design features.

What's Included:

  • Powerful compression and soft clipping options.
  • Customizable saturation with body and crunch tweaks.
  • Advanced bass, thickness, and stereo mix controls for shaping your sound.
  • All wrapped in a sleek, user-friendly interface.


Come vincere:
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Inserisci il tuo nome e indirizzo email.
Per guadagnare iscrizioni bonus, condividi questo giveaway con i tuoi amici e completa le azioni sui social media.
I vincitori saranno selezionati e annunciati qui su martedì 4 febbraio 2025.
Buona fortuna!